Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Research Proposal Organizational Stakeholders

Question: Discuss about theResearch Proposal for Organizational Stakeholders. Answer: Business Research Topic This research work would focus on the role of stakeholders like board of directors in organization productive. The initial research suggests that the board of directors have to establish a system of check and balances for effective governance system in the organization. Useem (2006) published recommended best governance practices for board decision making based on interviews with executives and board members of thirty-one companies. Good corporate governance is structured to prevent conflicts of interest and to incentivize leadership and board members to pursue organizational objectives (Abid Ahmed, 2014). The formal processes recommended by Useem (2006) included: creating a schedule for major topics; developing and revisiting committee charters; and establishing decision rights and defining decision protocols. Bailey, Washburn, and Faust (2000) added formal processes and expectations among board members would increase shareholder value. Transparency, disclosure, and accountability will also increase shareholder value. Without leadership at the Board level, when executive management has too few checks and balances to their power, an organizations ethical direction would seem to be totally dependent upon having an ethical leader. The research would be focused on the large organizations that have a working board of directors. This research work would establish the importance of board of directors for large organizations. In an organizational setting, the board of director is also responsible to create a positive culture in the organization. It is important that the Board of Directors must hold leaders accountable for their actions. In fact, it is the Board that has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that an organizations leadership lives up to expectations in terms of moral or ethical leadership. The specific research questions of this research work can be discussed as below: Research Questions The key research questions of this research work can be highlighted as: What is the role of board of directors towards organizational governance? How can board of directors create a positive culture in the organization so that organization can achieve its goals and objectives? How can board of directors enable a platform for leaders to develop within the organization? Research Methodologies Techniques The research work would be based on mix methods of research. It means that the research would use both primary research methods and secondary research methods. This research work would be completed as a combination of primary research and secondary research. The research would start an initial hypothesis of null hypothesis. The initial hypothesis of this research work can be discussed as: Research Hypothesis The initial research hypothesis of this research work is that board of directors has a positive impact towards organizational development. The board of directors helps organizations in both direct and indirect manner. This research work has both independent variable and dependent variable. The dependent and independent variables for this research work can be discussed as: Independent variable: The function of board of directors in large organizations. Dependent variable: The organizational productivity This research work has few limitations or assumptions. The limitations or the assumptions of this research work can be discussed as: Assumptions / Limitations The key assumptions of the limitations of this research work can be discussed as: This research would be done for large and multinational organizations. These are the organizations that have a global presence. The large and global organizations are selected for this research work, as it is easy to get the data for large organizations as compared to small organizations. This research would be applicable for the firms that have a permanent board of directors with 10 or more than 10 members. The research methods would be a combination of primary research and secondary research. These methods can be discussed in detail as below: Primary Research Methods The primary research methods would include online questionnaire and focused group interview (Pickard, 2013). A random sample would be used to select a sample of 80 people. However, there would be one constraint on the population. The 80 people would be selected at random from the corporations that have a working board. The questions would be mainly close ended in nature. The primary research would also include focused group interview. As a part of focused group interview, interviewer would create a focused group of 10 to 12 respondents. The series of interviews would be conducted with this focused group. The questions with the participants of focused group would be mainly open ended in nature. Secondary Research Methods The secondary research would be completed through literature review. The literature review would also be a critical part of this research work. The sources from the literature would be used to complete the research. As a part of literature review the peer review journals would be used. There are lot of articles and research in the library database and these articles would be a great source of information. The thumb rule of literature review is that the sources no more than 5 years old would be used (Khan, 2013). To complete the literature review, researcher would use the latest research articles. Research Process There would be five key phases of this research work. Each of the phases would be completed in an independent manner. The various phases of the research can be discussed as: Phase 1: Identify the Problem The problem identification phase would be the first phase of this research work (Zikmund Babin, 2012). This research work would focus on the role of stakeholders like board of directors in organization productive. Phase 2: Background Study and Research Questions formulation There are three key research questions in this research. These questions are: What is the role of board of directors towards organizational governance? How can board of directors create a positive culture in the organization so that organization can achieve its goals and objectives? How can board of directors enable a platform for leaders to develop within the organization? Step 3: Secondary Research The secondary research would be mainly focused on literature review. The insights from the existing literature would be used to complete the secondary research for this research work. Data Collection and Data Analysis The data collection and data analysis would be a key part of this research work. The data collection and data analysis would follow the stages of primary research and secondary research. The data would be collected from online survey or questionnaire, focused group interview and literature review. The data collected through primary research would be quantitative and the data collected through secondary research would be mainly qualitative in nature. The tools like Microsoft Word, SPSS and Microsoft Excel could also be used to analyze the data. The raw data would be compiled to get meaningful insights. Results Conclusion The results and conclusion would be the last section of the research work. In this phase, the focus of the researcher would be to develop the research report and share the results with required stakeholders. The results of the research work would be published in the form of a report. Data Collection Analysis Methods The data collection and data analysis would be a key part of this research work. The data collection and data analysis would follow the stages of primary research and secondary research. The data would be collected from online survey or questionnaire, focused group interview and literature review (Baskerville, 2016). The data collected through primary research would be quantitative and the data collected through secondary research would be mainly qualitative in nature. The tools like Microsoft Word, SPSS and Microsoft Excel could also be used to analyze the data. The raw data would be compiled to get meaningful insights. Expected Research Outcome It is expected that researcher would be able to establish a positive relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable. It is expected that research would highlight the importance of board of directors. The research should be useful for the corporations that have a working board. References Abid, G., Ahmed, A. (2014). Failing in corporate governance and warning signs of a corporate collapse. Pakistan Journal Of Commerce Social Sciences, 8(3), 846-866. Bailey, D., Washburn, D., Faust, Q. (2000, November 12). Creating the ultimate board in the Sarbanes-Oxley/post-Enron era [Online posting]. Retrieved from https://www.andrewskurth.com/insights-CreatingtheUltimateBoardintheSarbanesOxley.html Baskerville, R.L. and Wood-Harper, A.T., 2016. A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research. InEnacting Research Methods in Information Systems: Volume 2(pp. 169-190). Springer International Publishing. Useem, M. (2006). How well-run boards make decisions. Harvard Business Review, 84(11), 130-138. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2006/11/how-well-run-boards-make-decisions Khan, A., Muttakin, M.B. and Siddiqui, J., 2013. Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility disclosures: Evidence from an emerging economy.Journal of business ethics,114(2), pp.207-223. Pickard, A. J. (2013).Research methods in information. Facet Publ.

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