Monday, January 6, 2020

The Life And Times Of Scott Fitzgerald - 766 Words

The Life and Times of Scott Fitzgerald How did Fitzgerald’s life and the time period influence his writing? The mastermind behind one of America s best and most revolutionary pieces of literature had a humble beginning. He was born on September 24, 1896 to Mary and Edward Fitzgerald of St. Paul Minnesota. As a child, the family moved back and forth between Buffalo and Syracuse New York, they were dependent on his fathers’ minimum wage jobs. Scott’s first piece of writing, a detective story, was printed in the school newspaper at age thirteen. After he graduated from high school, he choose to attend Princeton University for his higher education. However, during World War Two, to serve his country and prove his patriotism, he dropped out and joined the United States Army. Fitzgerald became fearful that he would perish during the war and hastily composed a short story. The Romantic Egotist however, was not a success, but the publisher encouraged him to continue to rework the book further. During training for the army, Fitzgerald met Zelda Sayre. He fell in love with her, however she was descended from an upper class family and would not accept a mere poor man’s love. World War Two was ended before he was deployed and Fitzgerald moved to New York to launch an impressive advertising career in order to entice Zelda to marry him. He soon abandoned his job and moved back to St. Paul to rework his failed novel. Eventually he came out with This Side of Paradise. The book turnedShow MoreRelatedThe Life And Times Of Scott Fitzgerald764 Words   |  4 PagesThe Life and Times of Scott Fitzgerald How did Fitzgerald’s life and the time period influence his writing? The mastermind behind one of America s greatest and most revolutionary pieces of literature had a humble beginning. He was born on September 24, 1896 to Mary and Edward Fitzgerald of St. Paul Minnesota. 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Many people admire his work, but he’s hard to catch and follow due to his busy schedule and personal lifestyle being an alcoholic. On the 19th of November 1925 I was given a chance to meet up with F. Scott Fitzgerald, to discuss about the eminent novel written by him â€Å"The Great Gatsby† at his house in Los Angeles. The books about a poor turned wealthy man, Gatsby and his attempt on getting hisRead MoreAnalysis Of Babylon Revisited By F. Scott Fitzgerald1240 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican culture from across several years. F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of Babylon Revisited, succeeds in framing what American culture was in the 1920s as well as the early 1930s. The story exposes the two cultures through the protagonist Charlie Wales, a business man who â€Å"got lucky in the market.† In the story, Charlie’s lifestyle is shown as one of luxury and excess which defines the era before the Great Depression known as the â€Å"Roaring Twenties†. 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